CCFLARES Net, Wednesday (9/21) 7:30pm (ET) Topic: ARES Drill – Saturday (10/1) 9:00am (ET)


Attached are the notes from our meeting on Monday. Please join us for the CCFLARES NET Wednesday evening at 7:30. We will be discussing the Statewide ARES drill on October 1st starting at 9am. See below.


Tom & Duwain

2022 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test Guidelines

Test Your Readiness on October 1 – 2

ARRL’s Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is October 1 – 2, 2022, and this nationwide exercise is the chance to test your personal emergency-operating skills and the readiness of your communications equipment and accessories in a simulated emergency-like deployment.

ARRL Field Organization Leaders at the Section and local levels, and many other volunteers that are active in public service and emergency communications, are developing simulated emergency-like scenarios in consultation with a variety of agencies and organizations for whom radio amateurs are known to provide service during emergencies.

Please remember that station readiness and personal training and practice are tenets of the Amateur Radio Service. Any time we spend on the air will contribute to developing and practicing our personal radio communication capability.

The ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®), the National Traffic System (NTS), the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), SKYWARN™, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN), and other allied groups and public-service oriented radio amateurs are among those who are eligible to participate in the simulated exercise and to practice emergency operation plans, nets and procedures.

Changes for 2022 SET

For the 2022 Simulated Emergency Test, there will be bonus points for cooperation with Army MARS stations and sharing information between MARS and amateur radio stations. Please refer to the reporting form to calculate the bonus points.

Please stand by for new 2022 SET reporting forms that will be posted among the resources on the Public Services/Field Services Forms page on the ARRL website.