CCFLARES – Hurricane Ian – Request for After Action Items – Lessons Learned – Hotwash Items

If you are ready to talk about what happened before, during, and after the storm, we are ready to listen. Several of our members have suffered or witnessed indescribable devastation. We understand, and are not asking you to relive painful times, take the time you need to heal yourself.  

Our team executed a world class response to an unprecedented situation. Looking at what worked and what needs improvement is the sign of an organization that wants to be better so that if (or when), we face a similar situation we have improved ourselves.

Before, during and after Hurricane Ian, the CCFLARES organization provided emergency communications services to support the Charlotte County Emergency Management Team at Hospitals, Evacuation Shelters and the EOC. Other Members provided real-time “field reports” from their home locations covering weather, storm surge / flooding, damage, and utility status.  Still other CCFLARES members traveled outside the area, or remained away minimizing demands on local services. It is important for us to get feedback from all of these roles. CCFLARES also provided storm and recovery information to the HAM community.

Take your Time – Over the next few days carefully think about the items you find on the pages attached.  There is no race to complete this and turn it in, in fact, working on your thoughts, filling in some items and then stepping away from it for a day or two, may cause you to recall additional things that mattered. Partial or incremental inputs are welcome…  multiple inputs are welcome !!!

Forms will expand – These forms are prefilled with 5 blank items per box, but please just add more, I suspect some folks may have 10s or even 100s of items they made note of.

Format does not matter – There are two files that contain the same information shown below, they are just PDF and Word formats of the same file. If this format does not work for you, you are welcome to text me items, list items on a spreadsheet, or just free form in an email.  If you have pictures of operating locations, handwritten documents you produced, just send me pictures of them… or if you just want to discuss “after action items” on the phone, do not hesitate to email, text or call me (603)-464-9629.

These files may be accessed on the site.

Thank You for your time and consideration answering these questions. You can reply to this message or email me your responses at [email protected]


Bob Bowes – KC1MAM

CCFLARES – AEC – Operations

[email protected]
