Our Mission

To partner with our community to create, maintain, and improve a portfolio of reliable emergency communications capabilities.


Our Vision

To create communications capabilities where none have existed and maintain and support those that do exist. Improving skills necessary to transfer messages effectively, and the organization to tie into the vast resources of the amateur community, state and federal governments, and other emergency services. 


Our Values

  • Transparency

  • Open communications

  • Quality leadership

  • Service mentality

  • Partnership

  • Stewardship

  • Curiosity


< 2022 >
  • 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

    This is an opportunity to see the EOC in action.  The EOC Call Center training is provide background on how information is ingested and passed to proper departments within the county to action.

    Call Center Training – March 14th 1:00p-2:30p at the EOC in Punta Gorda

    This will be one of our quarterly refreshers to train new call center members and refresh some of our members who have trained with us in the past. We will discuss roles, etiquette, and activation of the call center.

    Signup for the Call Center Exercise Here: https://signup.com/go/xXvsbLQ

  • 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

    Amateur Radio Technician Course – March 15(in person at the EOC), 22(Virtual), 29(Virtual), & April 5(in person at the EOC) 10:00a – 12:00p

    This course is aimed at members new to radio communications who are interested in obtaining their technician license. This is not a CERT requirement but is something we would like to offer to our members as a way to bridge the gap with critical auxiliary communications. This course will be over 4 weeks with 1 meeting per week for two hours. You need to have access to a laptop or iPad to bring with you to the in person classes as we will utilize an online platform for studying and testing purposes. This class will offer guidance and help from instructors but also require some self-studying outside of the meetings.


    Signing up for the available date will sign you up for the full four classes.


    Signup for the Amateur Radio Technician Course Here: https://signup.com/go/vUuyMxw

  • 5:30 PM-6:30 PM

    CERT Advanced Training Class – Communications by CCFLARES – March 15th 5:30p – 6:30p

    This will be a discussion and presentation about auxiliary communications and also how to get involved. This will be at the EOC.

    Signup for the Advanced Class on Communications Here: https://signup.com/go/ZjftzEM

